Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Would you, Could you Make a change?

Would you,  Could you 
Make a change?

We as humans are creatures of habit. We get into our routines, what works for us and comfortably live there each day. Be it coffee in the morning or brushing 3 times a day we all have our things that we do daily that we are used to doing. What if someone asked you to make a change to that daily routine? What if one of the activities  in your everyday life was putting another person, say a child's life at risk? If asked to cease this activity would you? Could you find enough compassion in your heart to make a change? If this one selfless act could essentially prevent a child from dying would you comply?

I, myself have asked many people whom I did not know to make that change. I have vulnerably laid out my story with the hope that these individuals would hear it and sacrifice for my child's life. Unfortunately some of them did not hear and unfortunately some of them could not make that sacrifice. 
My situation is one that I suspect some people see as making a mountain out of a molehill since they are not well informed about my child's disability. It is a situation that many other parents deal with and is shockingly a very controversial topic through out our country. This disability that I am referring to is called Anaphylactic Shock caused by a peanut allergy. This is the moment when I cringe at the fact that there will be people who just read that last line and immediately thought, "Ugh peanuts! Not this again!" It's such a soft subject to some. The mom with the picky eater who was just lucky enough to get her child to eat the pb&j in the first place and now she has to find an alternative or the parent who thinks when will it end and what will they ask me to give up next. I get it. It's just one more conscious effort that has to me made each day. One more thing that pops into your brain just before falling asleep at night. But is it not worth it? Is it not worth a mother getting to see her son get off the school bus instead of getting the most dreaded phone call of her life? 
Another thing to think about when reacting to this request is how it effects your children . If you  make the decision to not make this change how do think your kids see and here that? It's almost as if your saying "not my problem" or "that is just a risk I am willing to take." Now I know that for the most part this is not what people are saying when they deny the request. I am sure it is a misunderstanding of the severity of the allergy or simply forgetting. But that might be how your children see it and if that is your reaction chances are it will be their reaction as well. I can't tell you how many stories I have heard about students teasing, harassing and bullying kids with food allergies. In fact my own son dealt with this when he was only in the first grade. A child would wave his pb&j at him, taunting him that he was going to touch him with it. Using his vulnerability as a weapon against him. If it is this bad in first grade I can't begin to imagine what middle school will be like. The point is we need to educate ourselves and our children about these dangers and disabilities. Just like we  should be teaching them to treat everyone as equals we should also be teaching them to help  keep our friends safe with selfless acts like eating a little differently while at school.  
Now I could sit here and go over statistics of this growing epidemic. I could ramble on about how the allergy to peanuts has doubled in the last five years and tripled over the last fifteen but it isn't learning the statistics that is going to make a difference here. It's learning to retrain our brains to see that just like you would show compassion to a child who has  Cancer, a life threatening disease, you can also do the same for a child with a life threatening food allergy and assist in offering them a safe environment. 

Please make the commitment with me today to not put any peanuts or peanut products in your child's lunch or snack for school. You can pledge your commitment here:


Tuesday, June 11, 2013

I am a Paleo Pig :)

I have a lot of friends who do Paleo specifically to lose weight. They do paleo challenges at different times or follow an 80/20 paleo lifestyle and it works really well for them. Then there is me. I'm Paleo 365/24/7. :) And I am here to tell you that I am a paleo pig. You can easily lose weight eating paleo but you can also easily gain and/or be stagnant. Just like any other way of eating its everything in moderation. I often find myself making a paleo treat like Paleo Chocolate Chip Banana Bread or Paleo Caramel Cheesecake Bars and telling myself I'm going to bring it to Bootcamp for my friends to get in on and then.... Well not so much. :/ I mean I'm not eating it all in one sitting but gradually over the next lets say "days" it's GONE! I justify it in my mind saying well there is no sugar in it or its Paleo so I can have it!! But I'm not doing myself any favors. If you are going paleo for weight loss it's important to follow the macro-nutrient ratio of somewhere between 40-30-30  (carbs, protein, fat) to 60-20-20 (fat, protein, carbs) depending on your level of fitness and your own body chemistry. It's different for everyone, but usually falls somewhere between these numbers. I myself am probably around a 40-40-20 (fat, protein,carbs) most of the time. That is when I'm not polishing off a Paleo Cheesecake. ;)
Anyway just wanted to share and confess I guess. So if you are trying to lose some then everything paleo in moderation and if you lack self control like myself, maybe only bake when you are expecting friends or have an event to bring it to. OR freeze it right away!! :) Otherwise there are plenty of single serving paleo recipes out there. :)

Friday, June 7, 2013

"Painting Leaves"

Okay so I have this tree that lives behind my house that is dying. :(  I like to imagine it in its glory days all green and beautiful and towering over its friends. I'm sure it was spectacular!! I have tried everything to fix this poor tree. I have tried taping the loose bark back in place and I have glued the limbs back on that have fallen off. I have even painted the brown leaves green again and still nothing! She just won't come back. :( Now you are probably thinking what tha'? And thinkin' well that's just stupid!! Why aren't you giving her water?! Why not sunshine?! Why not some food?? Well you are so right!!
 I would like to take this time to explain how our culture (the traditional American way) does this same thing but to our bodies. We are a culture of band aids and quick fixes. We treat symptoms instead of getting to the root of the problem. And unfortunately that's the way many doctors do it. You are having trouble concentrating, ADD medicine. You are having anxiety, anti-anxiety meds. You are having mood swings, mood stabilizers. You name it there is a band aid for everything and often not even an attempt to find out what is causing the problem. I'm not talking about talking it out in therapy, I'm talking about getting to the root of either what you aren't getting enough of or what you could be getting too much of. One of my favorite quotes EVER is "Let thy food be thy medicine, let thy medicine be thy food"- Hippocrates
Now I am Definitely NOT saying that nobody needs medication nor am I saying stop taking your medications. Just that before starting any new medications that you should take the time to research and experiment with cutting out foods that have been known to cause the symptom that you are experiencing and or add in the nutrients that can help relieve the symptoms. 
If you have read my testimony you know I speak from experience. My ailment was food sensitivities, my symptoms were ADHD, anxiety, depression, mood swings, joint pain, hypothyroidism and more. I tried all the meds, 15 different ones in fact. I got mild if any relief from some but mostly just exhausting, crippling side effects that needed to be treated with other medications. YUCK!! 
Then I cut out foods and started my new life. No more painting leaves, no more glueing limbs. I got to the root of the problem and fixed it. 
OMG I am super cheesy!!! ;) 
Once again I am SOOOOO not a doctor!! Although if google handed out degrees I'm pretty sure I'd call myself Dr. McGoogle ;) I am just a girl who has been down this road and came out the other end beggin' for bacon!!! 

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Loco de Mayo

Okay so it has been a Cray-Cray month of May this year. Where to start... Lets see I started a blog :), I trained for and competed in the Spartan race with my amazing Husband, my sweet little Tanner graduated from preschool and my 7 year old Tristan is wrapping up his first year at public school. And it all went perfectly smooth.... ;) Well not so much. 
I was off to a great start with my little blog and definitely did some premature patting on the back since I cranked out 3 entries in a week. Wooh!! Yeah then I had nothin'. Squat!! I was juggling training and teacher appreciation stuff and birthday stuff and summer planning stuff, oh and cram it all in because your kids are about to be home 24/7 for 3 months stuff of course. I literally made myself sick. This past Saturday I was sooo ready for Spartan... Five miles of running, mud, obstacles and a little fire at the end. My kind of race!! The morning of I felt amazing!! So ready to do this... Then I started the race..... and got sick, disgustingly sick the ENTIRE RACE!!! During these two hours of bliss I threw up not 1 not 2 but 5 TIMES!! I kept thinking this will so pass, it's just the energy drink I had earlier not agreeing with me. Sadly, it did not. :( I soldiered on though, with the support of my wonderful, patient, understanding husband. He could have been annoyed and he could have told me to quit and run it alone but instead he said we are a team and whatever I wanted or needed to do he was on board. I of course being the crazy person that I am just wanted to finish. I truly believed it was going to pass. :) And it did... 4 days later.:(
And so I missed my last week!! My cram it all in fest!! Aaahhhh!!! I have to be honest with you, in retrospect I don't even know what I was trying to cram in but I was SUPER disappointed that it wasn't gonna happen. I'm pretty sure one of the things was gonna be lay by the pool childless but there was definitely some important stuff on that list, surely. :) 
So I am starting to feel myself again after my little "diet" and I am so ready for summer with my boys!! Anywho, that's all for now.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Motherhood Ain't For Sissy's

NObody said it would be easy and being a Mom is definitely not for the faint of heart. From jam packed schedules to almond butter and jam sandwiches and everything in between we are busy and we are stressed. A survey came out this week about Moms and our stressors. When 7,000 moms were asked who stressed them out the most, 75% percent of them said..... themselves. I can't say that I am surprised. We are so stinkin' hard on ourselves. From Pinterest craft envy to perfectly clean house envy it just always seems like we are comparing ourselves to other Mothers and that is just not a nice thing to do to ourselves. We associate being the "perfect" Mom with almost any other Mom but ourselves. That's just exhausting, right?! We just need to give ourselves some GRACE and remember there are no "perfect" Moms... anywhere. We are all flawed because that is the way God made us. Some of us yell at our kids, some of us let the house get messy, some of us make ugly faces at our kids when they turn around...or so I've heard. ;) The point is if we spend less time thinking about what we are not and more time focusing on are strengths and what we thrive at doing soooo many things would probably change in our lives. Stress is linked to heart disease, asthma, obesity, diabetes, migraines, depression and anxiety, gastrointestinal problems, Alzheimer's Disease, ACCELERATED AGING, oh and premature death. Just to name a few. Yikes!! Aging faster alone convinces me. ;) 
Two other ways we stress ourselves out is with our pride and our desperate need to control circumstances that frankly aren't ours to control. The pride comes in when we don't ask for help when we so obviously need it. Like when we are sick on our deathbed after taking care of sick kiddos for a week and someone offers to bring us food and we say no because we don't want to be an inconvenience to them. Uh hello, it takes a village people. ;) No but seriously in many countries extended families actually dwell together and have very active rolls in eachothers lives. Nowadays we are lucky to live in the same state with our families. So accept the help and if you still feel like an inconvenience just remenber that a lot of people genuinely LOVE to do favors for others and if you don't accept it for yourselves accept it for them. :) BTW I struggle with this one big time. :/ 
And then there is control... The evidence is in the art projects our kids bring in to school. (GUILTY!!) Sure my 4 year old Modpodged this float for the parade, can't you tell?! ;) Relinquish control Moms, the art crafts will only get better if we let them do it themselves. Not to mention, I have a friend who recently told me her 4th grade son, who did his own art project BTW, got a terrible grade on it, so she decided to call the teacher because it was really good for a 4th grader. She discussed with the teacher how it was very apperent that many of the Moms had obviously taken over the project and asked if she was possibly comparing his to those projects and if that was why he got the bad grade. The teacher admitted that that was exactly what happened and that she never stopped to think that some of the Moms were doing the projects for the kids and she said that now that she was thinking about it she was surprised she never realized it before and then she raised his grade. Imagine how many other moms in this situation that didn't know that is why there kiddo got the bad grade. :( 
Lesson learned on this end. 
So in conclusion stop beating yourself up, you're an amzing Mom!!! You do more things in one day than some people who are not Mommies do in a week, heck a month!! Accept help, you are only human. Drop the pride and take the Grace. :)

Monday, May 6, 2013

The Scale is LYING Just ask your Pants

I do not own a scale. In fact the only time I actually know my exact weight is when I go to the doctor or when we do a performance challenge at bootcamp and we have to weigh in.  My reason for not owning a scale is this. You know how they say that self talk is important and that we should only speak positive things to and about ourselves? Well that is sooooo true and I feel like the scale is just another voice telling us that we aren't doing it right or that we are failing and I just don't think we need that an annoying voice like that in our heads. 
So ask your pants!! When you are going through the fitness improvement process designate a pair of pants or a dress or whatever to be how you measure yourself. The last few times I went through the process of getting back in shape usually began because I put on a pair of jeans that either didn't fit quite the same or I just couldn't button them and realized it was that time again to buckle down (seriously no pun intended) and get back to the shape that I know I can be in. So this last time around I got serious and started with my usual 21 Day Sugar Detox plus bootcamp 4 times a week and  running at least 6 miles per week. This is the system that works best for me. After being only about 80% Paleo during the "holidays" Nov-February (YIKES) I had started to slowly gain weight, definitely slow down during a WOD (workout of the day) and I wasn't feeling as strong. After finishing the detox and increasing my running I feel amazing, much faster and stronger. I increased the weight in both my hands weights and my kettle bell. My designated "pants" are a little too big for me and I feel like I'm where I'm supposed to be. YET the scale barely moved and my fat % went up. SO... I lost 2 sizes and still no positive talk from the scale or that little BMI machine. You know why?? Because they are liars. ;) Throw away your scales people!! They don't love you and they certainly aren't going to pat you on the back for gaining a pound because you increased muscle mass. I'm just sayin'. :)

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Hail Merry Full of Yumm!!

Okay so I want to tell y'all about this super yummy company that makes paleo friendly treats called
So I have raved about them to a bunch of my friends for the last few weeks. My favorites being the Coconut Vanilla Cream Tart and the Caramel Sea Salt Macaroons. They are even more delicious than they sound!!! The tarts are like mini pies and the macaroons are yummy little cookies. I think it's important to have small paleo sweet treats on hand for when you have a sweet tooth AND for when you have an event where you know there will be cake or cupcakes like bday parties. That way you don't feel left out when all the other Mommy's are indulging. :) And you get your sweet fix without the guilt and the pain in my case. :/ 
Okay so super weird funny thing happened to me last week while on a plane to Boston. Like I stated before I had been gushing for weeks about my new discovery (Hail Merry treats) and I was on my second flight and I noticed the woman sitting next to me had a Gluten Free book in her seat back pocket. Sooo... I asked her if she was going gluten free and she explained to me she worked for a company that made gluten free products. A little company called HAIL MERRY!!! Then before she could finish talking I blurted out SHUT UP!! Naturally. :) I explained to her how I had been going on and on about her products to all my friends and how I was basically a "junkie" for her products. ;) She then told me she was on her way to a conference to promote Hail Merry and her book (the one in the seat back pocket) The Gluten Free Good Health Cookbook and she had some extra goodies if I would like some. I have no idea what my facial expression must have looked like but she looked a little scared. ;) That is when I had my first encounter with the caramel sea salt macaroons. MMMMMMMMMMM!!! Anywho, I picked her brain about what stores currently carry their products and which ones they are working on. HEB and Whole Foods carry them down in Texas and for my Yankee friends Hannaford now carries most of their products. We discussed the quality of the products and why they sweeten with Coconut Palm Sugar and Maple Syrup as opposed to Agave and Honey. Coconut Palm Sugar not only has a low glycemic index but it actually regulates blood sugar levels and blood pressure because of its naturally occurring magnesium and nitrogen. It is also a great source for zinc, potassium, calcium and 16 vital amino acids. So it's yummy and nutritious!! :) I buy Big Tree Farms Organic Coconut Palm Sugar Blonde which I buy at Greenfields in Stone Oak but they have a huge variety on their website. Maple syrup, specifically Grade B Maple Syrup also has a low glycemic index and is a great source for calcium, iron, manganese, potassium and zinc. Honey has a slightly lower glycemic index than maple syrup but it is a more common food allergen. For those of you who have not heard the bad news about agave... It's not good. Agave has a 15% higher fructose level than.. wait for it... HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP!!! It is 70% fructose which is REALLY bad!! And it lacks nutritional content. It is not even natural but it is highly refined. YUCK!! 
Moving on... It turns out the amazing smart, informative woman I was speaking to on the plane was Dr Claudia Pillow, the Chief Nutrition Officer and Director of Marketing for Hail Merry. No wonder she was so smart. ;) I should have asked her for a job!! ;) 
Okay so I love this company and their products and I hope you run out and buy some and tell me how much you love them too. 
Blessing, Katie